Tiny Tim Literary Review

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Tiny Tim Literary Review is currently going on hiatus to restructure. We are not accepting submissions at this time, and our third issue has been put on hold for the time being. Thank you for your support and look for more from us in 2018!

The goal is to normalize chronically ill/disability narratives in addition to humanizing medical professionals through their stories. We accept fiction, poetry, nonfiction, in addition to a single art piece to be used for our cover image for the month. I'm also open to other formats, such as music, as they present themselves. Dismantling ableism is important while also providing a place for medical narratives.

Why Tiny Tim? Because we are here to show that a great work of writing doesn't always have to mean the disabled person has to be overly courageous or heroic. The same goes for people in the medical field. We are all fallible, and that's the beauty of what adds to our work. This isn't a literary review of inspiration and overcoming, it's a literary review of rawness and truth.

For fiction and non-fiction, we are looking for pieces to be in the range of 3000-6000 words. However, if something is extremely captivating and fits in with our message, submit it. I'm willing to bend arbitrary word counts for pieces that can move people. Long-form journalism about patient or doctor experiences within the medical industry are always welcome. With fiction we are looking for pieces that are written by someone in the medical field, someone who has been or still is a patient, as well as fiction stories whose characters may have a disability or health issue. It doesn't need to be the main focus, but readers having greater access to characters with disability furthers our mission to take away the "otherness" that attaches itself to disability narratives.

We ask for three to five poems to be sent in together as one submission. If you have literary work that does not fit into this neat and tidy box, please send it anyway. This could range from short plays to a comic book issue. The literary world is expanding in amazing ways, and our ultimate focus is on words, not necessarily in what medium they are presented in. Each submission will be reviewed on a case by case basis to make sure it fits within the issue. Our focus is on innovation not routine.

Expect a few weeks for me to get back to you. I am a small yet determined operation who is known for prompt responsiveness. I won't leave you hanging. This is a start up out of passion. 

Tiny Tim Literary Review